Speed Reading | Iris Reading | Iris Reading - Part 20
How to Improve Concentration While Reading And Avoid Rereading

How to Improve Concentration While Reading And Avoid Rereading

Active reading is one of the most effective strategies to boost focus when reading. This happens when a person fully engages with a text, resulting in good comprehension of the material and understanding of its significance to their interests and needs.  Learning active reading includes applying a variety of techniques, such as splitting texts into […]

How To Read Faster Using The “Deadline Technique”

How To Read Faster Using The “Deadline Technique”

Deadlines make us more productive. When we’re faced with a tight deadline, we find ways to focus and improve our efficiency. Knowing this, we can use deadlines as a way to improve our reading efficiency. The “Deadline Technique” is very simple to follow. Here’s all you need to do: 1. Figure out how much time […]

How To Read Groups of Words

How To Read Groups of Words

Reading words in groups is a speed reading technique that can help you read faster and improve your comprehension.  When we were little, we were taught to read one word at a time. However, our vocabulary improved as we got older, and we became capable of reading groups of words.  But just because we can […]

Start Increasing Your Speed With This Basic Drill

Two Speed Reading Exercises You Can Practice at Home (Step by Step)

There are simple exercises you could practice at home to improve your reading speed instantly. However, you need to practice for at least five to fifteen minutes daily to increase your words per minute.  Your reading speed eventually will be consistent, above the average 250 words per minute, and perhaps steadily increase to more than […]

How To Read Faster On A Computer Screen

How To Make Reading On A Computer Easier (and Faster)

Pacers help to make reading on a computer faster and easier. You can use the highlight feature or your mouse as a pacer to help guide your reading. If the pages you want to read are clustered and pose a challenge to your eyes, copy and paste them, then reformat to improve readability. Using your […]

The Simplest Way To Read Faster

Reading with Your Finger (6 Steps to Master Finger Tracking Reading)

One of the most fundamental principles of speed reading involves the use of your hand as a guide, usually your index finger while reading, or also using your pen. This way of reading is especially great for children learning to read. As they are deciphering through text using their index finger and tracking the text […]