Boost Your Productivity at Work, School & Life!

Iris Training

  In-Person Classes: Speed Reading & Memory Techniques

  •   90-Minute Crash Course: Speed Reading 101

  •   4-Hour Workshop: Speed Reading Foundation Course

  •   8-Hour Training: Speed Reading Mastery Course

Contact Us Today!

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  On-Site at Your Company:

Perfect for corporate training and professional development. We collaborate with managers, HR and training departments to develop custom workshops in which the content can be tailored to include material your group deals with regularly.

  •   Save time with research, reports, emails, contracts, etc.

  •   Develop your critical thinking and memorization skills

  •   Boost your overall productivity and information intake

  On-Campus at Your School:

  •   Keep up with your assigned reading and get better grades

  •   Save time reading textbooks, research reports, case studies, journal articles

  •   Score higher on standardized tests: GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, ACT & SAT

  • Completed By Students and Professionals Worldwide


    University Of Chicago
    Wellington Management

See What Others Are Saying:

“I must thank you for a superb workshop. The students are excited about what they got out of the day, not only reading but the memorization & other study skills. We will definitely want to do the same workshop next year with our entering medical students.”
-Dr. Ellen Cosgrove, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs
UNLV Medical School

“Your class truly had a significant impact on my productivity as well as many others in Ariel’s research department. Thanks again.”
-Jason Tyler, Portfolio Manager
Ariel Investments

“The Social Security Advisory Board had the opportunity to implement Speed Reading & Memory Training workshops through Iris Reading on two separate occasions. Our office deals with a significant amount of reading and research on a daily basis and recommends this comprehensive workshop to boost productivity among staff.”
-Anita Kelly, Communications Director
Social Security Advisory Board